In The Media
Police Brutality
- Deputies’ revised reports in SF beating prompt lawyer’s questions, SF Chronicle, March 31, 2016
- S.F. Public Defender: Alameda Deputies’ Reports on Violent S.F. Arrest a ‘Legal Fiction’, KQED News, March 27, 2016
- Calif. deputies say they pummeled unarmed suspect with batons ‘to gain his compliance’, Raw Story, March 25, 2016
- Deputies in SF beating video say they feared for their safety, SF Chronicle, March 24, 2016
Militarization of Police
- The Movement to Stop the Militarization of Police, Street Spirit, Oct 11, 2015
- San Leandro armored vehicle forum draws crowd, Mercury News, Jan 8, 2015
Stingrays – Cell Phone Tower Mimic Devices
- FBI Chooses Secrecy Over Locking Up Criminals, the Intercept, May 2, 2016
- EFF, ACLU And Public Records Laws Team Up To Expose Hidden Stingray Use By The Milwaukee Police Department, TechDirt, April 26, 2016
- EFF and ACLU Expose Government’s Secret Stingray Use in Wisconsin Case, EFF, April 22, 2016
- Civil Liberties Groups Voice Concerns Over Cell-Site Simulators, CBS LA, Feb 25, 2016
- At Least 23 States Now Employ ‘Stingray’ Technology Allowing Police to Grab Your Cell Phone Data, Text Messages and More Without a Warrant, The Blaze, Feb 25, 2016
- Terror-Tracking Device Being Used to Track Everyday Criminals in Milwaukee, CBS 58, Feb 2, 2016
- Boston Police Confirm They’re Using Cell Phone Trackers, HuffPost, Dec 7, 2015
- Boston Police finally release documents on cell phone trackers, Mass Live, Nov 23, 2015
- Indiana police can’t tell you about cell phone snooping because of ‘agricultural terrorism’, Fusion, Sep 8, 2015
- Indiana State Police won’t give up stingray records due to “terrorism” risk, ArsTechica, Sep 2, 2015
- Cops must now get a warrant to use stingrays in Washington state, ArsTechnica, May 12, 2015
- In rare move, Silicon Valley county gov’t kills stingray acquisition, ArsTechnica, May 7, 2015
- East Bay Privacy Activist Asks 250 Police Agencies Across US for Cellphone Surveillance Records, East Bay Express, April 7, 2015
- As Santa Clara County procures ‘stingray’ cell tracker, increased scrutiny surrounds potentially invasive device, Mercury News, March 28, 2015
- To explain stingrays, local cops cribbed letter pre-written by FBI, ArsTechnica, March 24, 2015
- Powerful “stingrays” used to go after 911 hangup, ATM burglary, ArsTechnica, Feb 25, 2015
- In rare move, local cops reveal details to judges on “stingray” use, ArsTehnica, Feb 16, 2015
- FBI really doesn’t want anyone to know about “stingray” use by local cops, Ars Technica Feb 10, 2015
- Records Request Targets Cellphone-Spying Technology, San Jose Inside Dec. 3, 2014
License Plate Scanners
- BART Police Quietly Installed License Plate Surveillance Cameras at Oakland Station, East Bay Express, April 27, 2016
- New software watches for license plates, turning you into Little Brother, ArsTechnica, Dec. 5, 2015
- In 2016, if California cops get hacked, lose your license plate data, you can sue, ArsTechnica, Oct. 16, 2015
- Use of license-plate scanners expands amid privacy concerns, court battles, FoxNews, Sept 2, 2015
- Personal Information Collected By License Plate Readers May Be Available To Anyone Who Asks, CBSSF, May 10, 2015
- Arizona town mounts dozens of new license plate readers in fake cactuses, ArsTechnica, May 8, 2015
- Cops are freaked out that Congress may impose license plate reader limits, ArsTechnica, March 15, 2015
- 7 On Your Side: Repo man collects, sells your information, ABC 7, Feb 20, 2015
- Are License Plate Scanners Capturing Too Much?, NBC San Diego, Feb 10, 2015
- To the Point: License Plates, Law Enforcement and Violations of Privacy, KCRW Jan 30, 2015
- The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you , Ted Talk by Catherine Crump, Dec 2014
- California cities, counties have spent $65M on spy tech in past decade, Ars Technica, Nov. 12, 2014
- 2 Investigates: License-plate readers raising privacy concerns, KTVU, Aug. 6th, 2014
- Privacy Issues, KALW, Local Public radio, San Francisco, April 24, 2014
- Surveillance City?, Good Times, Jan. 29, 2014
- Radio Interview on Raising PRC flag and use of surveillance cameras in San Leandro, Brian Copeland Show, KGO, Sept. 29, 2013
- San Leandro Approves Surveillance System Amid Privacy Concerns, CBS 5 Bay Area, Sept. 7, 2013
- How A ‘Deviant’ Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut, Forbes, August 14, 2013
- Big Brother Judges Your Vanity Plates – radio interview with Cyrus Farivar, references Mike Katz-Lacabe around minute 11, July 27, 2013
- License plate data not just for cops: Private companies are tracking your car, NBC News, July 19, 2013
- ACLU raises privacy concerns about police technology tracking drivers, CNN, July 18, 2013 (includes video)
- The cops are tracking my car—and yours, ArsTechnica, July 18, 2013
- You’re Not Driving Alone, Huffington Post Live, July 18, 2013
- License Plate Readers Raise Privacy Concerns, NBC Bay Area, July 18, 2013 (includes video)
- Millions of US license plates tracked and stored, new ACLU report finds, The Guardian, July 17, 2013
- Around the Bay Area, you’re being watched, Mercury News, June 30, 2013
- License-plate readers let police collect millions of records on drivers, Center for Investigative Reporting, June 26th 2013
- License plate readers tracking cars, San Francisco Chronicle, June 26th 2013 same as above
- SANDAG knows where you’ve been, San Diego Union Tribune, June 17, 2013
- Police Photo Program Questioned , San Leandro Times, Oct. 4, 2012
- San Leandro Man Star of WSJ Story On Police Surveillance, San Leandro Patch, September 29, 2012
- New Tracking Frontier: Your License Plates, Wall Street Journal, September 29, 2012 (includes video)

License plate scanner photo of the Katz-Lacabe car, family, driveway and home.